Your Business – Employee Diagnostic Review

Internal Operations

Your Employee Health?

This Internal Employee Health Review is designed to help you identify the areas within your staffing that may need attention in order to optimize your operations and make your company and/or division more profitable. The key to this review is for you to be COMPLETELY HONEST with yourself and those you are leading. After your review, you will know clearly whether or not your company would receive unlimited value from the Consulting Services we provide to companies around the world. The instructions to get started are found at the bottom of the page.


Are there documented protocols and SOP (Standard Operating Procedures) to every position that is served within your company?

Do you have documented performance standards for each position whereby whomever is serving in that position will know, without affirmation from higher levels of management, that they are performing profitably in their position?

Do you have documented protocols whereby the staff can present solutions to issues that may arise throughout their workday?

Your Leadership Questionnaire


When problems do arrive, does your staff present you with  the problem so that you can come up with the solution and tell them what to do or instead to they offer solutions with a plan of implementation that you only need to approve?

If each employee in your company were to be privately asked what is the vision of your company, would they all say the same thing?

  1. Would the answer be in alignment with your vision?
  2. Do they know what your vision is?
  3. Does your staff follow the instructions of Leadership simply because they are "told" to do so?
  4. Do you have written metrics that the staff can review and understand to know if they are profitable?
  5. Do you have documented training that is optimized to the point where other employees are not required to stop their work in order to train new employees?
  6. Does your employee tenure exceed 3 years on average?
  7. Do you have a documented hiring system that can be followed by even the most entry level employee to ensure only the best candidates are hired?


NOTE: Without these things, research shows that you are losing between 40%-60% of your profitability. This is the main reason companies struggle and are so deeply affected by the volatility of the market in their city and/or state. If your answer was "no" to over 50% of the questions noted above, you will experience unlimited benefit from having ProfitGOLD Consulting Firm review your operations and provide you with the documentation you need to be profitable and sustainable. Make an appointment with us by accessing our ONLINE CALENDAR, or if questions still remain that you would like answered, fill out either form here.